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How To Create Content That Actually Attracts Customers

Aug 28, 2024

4 min read




How To Create Website Content That Attracts More Customers

Whether its on your website, advertising, or social posts, creating effective, quality content is pivotal to attracting more customers. The below suggestions can be applied many other platforms, but let's address your website, where may people often go to learn more about you.

Your language and packaging are the important first steps to getting people to stop and notice you, and then, to learn what more about your offer, and of course, buy/call/subscribe- - whatever the end result you want them to take.

Too often, the messaging does not elicit a response and customers will either keep scrolling or leave your website, etc.

So let's understand how to make them notice you.

Since a cold audience does not know who you are, they don't trust you. A captivating headline that speaks to their pain. (not pleasure!) will be most effective.

"7 Mistakes that Job Seekers With Employment Gaps Make With When Applying for a Job That Gets Them Overlooked Instantly!"

"5 Most Toxic Products in Your Home That Could Be Giving You Cancer and Actually Aging Your Faster!"

"3 Financial Strategies You Need to Know So You Don't End Up Homeless When You Retire!"

All these speak to people's fears and trigger an emotion which in turn, causes. them to click.


The Sub-headline is how you plan to help them or bring them the TRANSFORMATION they need.

Headline - "5 Most Toxic Products in Your Home That Could Be Giving You Cancer and Actually Aging Your Faster"

Subtitle: Natural, 100% Toxic Free Skincare the Reverses Youth and Brings Back Your Youthful Glow WITHOUT Hurting Your Body!

Statistically, this strategy will convert far more of your audience to opt in on your Landing Page, which we discuss next.

Use Sounds, Hooks, or Curiosity to Make People Stop and Listen

You have 3 seconds to capture someone's attention. So you have to do something that will stop them in their tracks. Take time to observe popular reels that seem to capture people's attention and take note of what happens in the first 3 seconds.

Create Excellent Landing Page to Convert Customers

Once people come from your social site to your landing page, you need to lay it out in such a way that they are provoked to action. This requires that they continue reading to build trust in your and your product.

How To Create Website Content That Attracts More Customers

1. Tackle Your Customer's Pain Points In Greater Detail

Your landing page should have a strong header and sub-header like the one's I mentioned above (also see example image above).

Once you've done this, you can begin to speak to their specific paint points.

As I mentioned in my blog to figure out your target audience,  your target audience is the important first step to knowing how to speak their language and knowing where your customers are hanging out.

How To Create Content That Attracts More Customers
Speak to Your Customer's Pain Points

Here's the hack: An easy way to figure out your target audience's pain points is by using this ChatGPT prompt:

"I have a service or product that sells [enter service product]. My target audience is [enter your target audience description]. What are the top 20 pain points my target audience has that I can solve with my product or service? Please list them in a two column table with the pain points in one column and the solution my product or service could offer in the other."

Fine tune and adapt this list and add it to your website language.

It will be a game changer!

Offer the Solutions You Can Provide to Take Away These Problems

Following the pain points, tell them how you can solve their problem, without going into features. Just tell them the transfomation they will experience through your product or service. They just want then end results - self confidence, to get the job, to be a dancer that turns heads, etc.

Focus on Content Quality

You will want to make sure all text on your page is easy to understand, well written and persuasive, and free from any types of grammatical errors. Keep in mind to make your writing at about a 6th grade level. Don't become too formal unless you are writing to a someone in academia or for a high level research group, for example.

To double check your writing, I highly recommend installing the Grammarly shortcut on your browser or using the Hemingway Editor. It can tell you what Grade level your writing is!

I love the AI writing tool WIX has that helps with with my writing by the way. It can be a big time saver!

Be Sure to Provide a Clear Call to Action

You may be doing a great job persuading your website visitor of the value of your product or service, but without a clear Call To Action next step, like a button or a sign up form, they can leave your site without having done what you wanted, and they may never return again. Be sure to make a very clear Call to Action that leads them to the next step you want them to take. CTAs can be all over the page, not simply in one spot by the way.

FAQs and Support Information

Having an FAQ section helps prospective buyers feel more comfortable in making a purchase. They ensure that all their questions can be answered and help to overcome any apprehension around the purchase. Adding several common FAQs can do the trick.

In WIX, I like to build an accordion FAQ section. That way, it doesn't take up a lot of space on the site, and puts them in control of what they want to see.

Attract More Customers to Your Website
An accordion FAQ example

Include Testimonials to Build Credibility and Trust

Ideally, if you want your website content to attract more customers, you will want to include a section of testimonials. Testimonials persuade and give you credibility. Credibility builds trust. Aim to offer 5-8 short testimonials and avoid them being long. People don't have time to read long paragraphs. Just something short and sweet for each one with a first name will do!

Aug 28, 2024

4 min read





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