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FreshNet, LLC Business and Marketing

How Knowing Your Target Audience Can Accelerate Your Business Growth

Aug 22, 2024

4 min read




Learn about target audience to support business growth

The first step to boost your revenue and make more money for your business starts with determining your target audience.

It may seem unnecessary, but here's why it's important.

In order to know how and where to market your products effectively, you must first know where your target audience.

  • Spends their time

  • What they like and don't like, and

  • What types of problems they are facing

If you don't learn their behavior, you can likely end up spending your valuable time and resources in the wrong places and staggering your business growth initiatives..

By the way, at the end of this blog, I'm going to tell you a great trick to figure out your target audience in less than 2 minutes. It will save you hours of research!

Now, let's dig a little deeper to understand why knowing and learning about your target audience is so important.

Business Growth Tip 1: You Need to Know Where Your Target Audience Spends Their Time

Identify target audience for business growth

In real life, not everyone hangs out in the same place. My husband hangs out in the cigar shop on Friday nights. My girlfriends and I like to go to tea parties in Antique shops. This is not the typical place to find someone in their early 20s, for example.

Similarly, your target audience may not be hanging out on the social channel you are posting in everyday. Different demographics use and avoid certain channels!

Take a look at these current stats from SproutSocial. Can you see where, for example, most 20 year olds are "hanging out"? Hint: It's not Facebook!

Statistics for Social Media Demographics by Age
Statistics for Social Media Demographics by Age

To maximize your marketing efforts and business growth efforts, make sure you've done the research to know where to market to your target audience.

Whether you are advertising online or with a booth at an event, ask yourself how much of your target audience will be there.

For example, since my business markets to other businesses. I like to spend time posting on LinkedIn because that is where lots of business professionals spend their time and would appreciate my content. Now, there are other places they will be, but if I had to choose one, I would start there.

Business Growth Tip 2: You Have To Know How to Get Your Target Market's Attention

Business growth

Just like fashion can vary depending on someone's age, so can the images and language you use to communicate. Certain people are drawn to certain things.

If you are targeting people people in their 20s and 30s, there is certain tone or imagery that tends to capture their generation's attention. The same language and images could be considered obnoxious to someone in a different culture, age group, or income status. Bottom line: You have to communicate in a way that attracts your target audience and that may required doing a little research to see what appeals to them.

Business Growth Tip 3: What Are Your Target Audience's Pain Points?

Business Growth

It is invaluable to know and understand how you target audience struggles, and speak directly to that.

Your marketing should be centered around showing your audience how you can solve their problems.

  • Your posts should show how you solve problems.

  • Your website should show how you solve problems.

  • Your staff should show how you solve problems.

But the question you have to ask first is - What are their problems?

The best way to find out their pain points is to simply ask them. Write a post online, and and simply ask them the question - What is the hardest part about [enter you niche]. Take note of the most common answers and the type of words and language people use to describe that. Use that language in this way.

When you post or advertise, structure your content this way:

Headline - A Pain Point - (What they struggle with)

Subtitle - Gives Them the Promised Transformation (The end result they really want after everything is said and done)

All your advertising, when dealing with cold leads (people who don't know you) need to draw them to their pain. Marketing has proven this works far better than attracting people to pleasure. At this point, do not talk steps, processes, and dump lots of details. You will lose them. You can explain all that later. They just want to know how it will transform their situation from pain to pleasure.

Let me give you an example.

If you have a service for toxic beauty products, you would say something like:

Headline: Learn the Most Toxic, Cancer Causing Chemical in Most Skin Care Products on the Market!

Subtitle: Get show-stopping, glowing skin that turns heads without harming your body!

This will naturally attract more audience and reactions because people react to fear more than pleasure.

As Promised - My Secret Weapon

What's the big secret?

Although nothing beats knowing your audience directly, you can also use ChatGPT to help you figure out your target audience! Use the prompt below and see what you get!

"I own a business that does [enter business service]. Who is my target audience?"

Additionally, you can also ask ChatGPT the following question:

"I own a business that does [enter business service]. Please write me a persona of a person who would use my services.

You will be blown away by what it gives you!

Take this output and build your brand around it, considering the persona it gave your everytime you write, make graphics, or choose where to do your marketing.

By the way - did you know we do Small Business Coaching and build SEO Optimized Websites?

If you're curious, you can start by booking a virtual coffee so we can learn more about what you do and how we may be able to help. You can book a free call here.

To learn some actionable steps to level up your leads and sales, read my blog, "How Do I reach More People to Sell My Product?".

Aug 22, 2024

4 min read





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